Facility Management

You will find a lot of companies in the current market which offer “complex facility management”. But we differ from them because we have grown to the position of a provider of such services by gradual development of the company. We believe that every facility management should be based on high-quality care of the technologies regardless of whether it is an administrative facility, industrial hall or hypermarket. We “grew up” on the technologies. 

At the beginning of our business, we were implementing projects in the areas of electrical installations, security technologies, but also measurement and regulation. A lot of our clients, however, required administration of devices other than those installed by us. And so, our team today includes specialists in most building technologies. Our objective is to “harmonize” the mutual relations between your technologies to avoid mutual negative interaction of the systems and duplicate functioning thereof. This helps us achieve significant reductions in operating costs of the building, in particular, a reduction in its energy performance.

Therefore, we can offer you very complex Facility Management today

– Technology management

– Technology administration and maintenance

– Energy control

– Energy management

- Fire safety services

– Administration and maintenance of structural parts

- Security services

– Cleaning services

- Greenery maintenance

See the real difference between mere administration of technologies in your building and actual management thereof. Give us an opportunity to convince you that correct functioning of technologies which are often expensive is also important for you.

Call us, write to us or just check out our LinkedIn.