Heavy-Current Electrical Installations
Are you excited that you have finally found a company that will execute electrical installations in your apartment or family house? Well, your delight was premature. We do not do apartments or family houses. Not that we do not want to, but we cannot do it, we do not have the required facilities. And the main thing is that we can admit it!
But what we can and do from any level of the project documentation to the actual supply and assembly are electrical installations up to 1000 V in industrial and warehousing halls, shopping centres or administrative facilities.
For example, we are ready to design and do the following:
- Assembly of cable lines including supporting structures
– Low-voltage switchboard supply and installation
- Low-voltage electrical installations
- Lighting supply and installation
- Low-voltage supply lines
- Lightning conductors and grounding systems
- Electrical installations for production lines
– Backup power supplies, diesel generating sets
- and anything related …
We have sufficient capacity in terms of personnel and capital, so that we do not have to be afraid of very extensive projects. We manage even complex reconstructions of electrical installations during full operation of the buildings. So, go for it! Invite us, request an offer by e-mail or perhaps just on the phone. And if there is nothing we can offer you in terms of heavy-current installations, check our LinkedIn, so that we know about each other!